Reciprocal training: An instrument of epistemic justice in the campaign for a just energy transition

By Laurence Brière, Guillaume Moreau, Maude Prud’homme, Isabel Orellana, Marie-Ève Marleau, Martine Chatelain and Marie-Pier Lafrance
The eco-citizen movement for an energy transition is working to transform the dominant economic-energy system with a view to social justice and respect for the environment. By collaborating with stakeholders in this mobilization as part of an action-research project, we raised the epistemic justice issues inherent in this political project, and attempted to create spaces for reciprocal training, highlighting the diversity of types of knowledge. An innovative conceptual framework for energy justice was proposed, taking into account the very concrete realities of eco-citizen struggles and initiatives.

Soutenir la justice épistémique par la coformation au sein de la mobilisation pour une transition énergétique juste

Par Laurence Brière, Guillaume Moreau, Maude Prud’homme, Isabel Orellana, Marie-Ève Marleau, Martine Chatelain et Marie-Pier Lafrance
Le mouvement écocitoyen pour une transition énergétique travaille à transformer le système économico-énergétique dominant dans une visée de justice sociale et de respect de l’environnement. En collaborant avec les acteur.rice.s de cette mobilisation dans le cadre d’une recherche-action, nous avons soulevé les enjeux de justice épistémique inhérents à ce projet politique et tenter de créer des espaces de formation réciproque mettant en valeur la diversité des types de savoirs. Un cadre conceptuel innovant de la justice énergétique a été proposé, prenant en compte les réalités très concrètes des luttes et initiatives écocitoyennes.

Repeated flooding in Pointe-Gatineau: From living neighbourhood to wasteland

By Ariane Hamel and Nathalie St-Amour
The community of Pointe-Gatineau was hit by a series of historic floods in 2017, 2019 and 2023. Since then, many homes have been destroyed and a large number of residents have left the area, leading to insecurity among those who remained. This synthesis presents the preliminary results of a study looking at the recovery process of people affected by the 2017 and 2019 floods, and in particular at the role played by their attachment to their community in this process.

Inondations répétées dans Pointe-Gatineau : d’un territoire vivant à un territoire déserté

Par Ariane Hamelet Nathalie St-Amour
The community of Pointe-Gatineau was hit by a series of historic floods in 2017, 2019 and 2023. Since then, many homes have been destroyed and a large number of residents have left the area, leading to insecurity among those who remained. This synthesis presents the preliminary results of a study looking at the recovery process of people affected by the 2017 and 2019 floods, and in particular at the role played by their attachment to their community in this process.

References to vulnerability in Quebec’s 2013-2020 climate change policy initiatives: Supporting resource extraction at the expense of environmental justice

By Laurie Gagnon-Bouchard
Based on a master’s thesis, this synthesis examines the integration of the concept of vulnerability into Quebec’s climate change policy guidelines for 2013-2020. The analysis results indicate that using the language of vulnerability can emphasize the vulnerability of the economic sectors in the Northern Plan. This approach allows for a risk management strategy that does not compromise economic growth or increase associated risks.