Greenhouse installation in public spaces by the Laboratoire d’agriculture urbaine and Carrefour solidaire Centre communautaire d’alimentation, Montreal, October 2021 Credit: Maxime Lapostolle
Cities, Climate and Inequalities - LICER, a civic innovation lab for regulatory experimentation
By Pénélope Seguin, Gabriela Manrique Rueda and Geneviève Baril
Over the course of 2021, the Laboratoire d’innovation civique pour l’expérimentation réglementaire (LICER) has been working to study the regulatory and location context factors that block or facilitate the deployment of innovative initiatives in transition-related sectors. Experimenting with regulations is a way forward in the transition. But there are also challenges of inclusion, since for the time being, citizens are largely excluded from the processes of ideation and formulation of regulations.
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